Audio panel under development

A pic of the assembled whole set with an audio panel.  Looks cool, right?


  1. Matthew Krivanek

    Very cool! Loving the new bezel. How will the audio panel interface with PC? Bluetooth/USB?

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Thanks Matt, the audio panel will only connect to the bezel, so the whole G1000 simulator is still able to run stand alone.

  2. Bryon Morgan

    What additional functionality does the audio panel provide?

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      The hardware itself is fully prepared to operate every single button or knob. The limit stays in the program(apps). Ok, I’ll start with what it doesn’t have. The reversionary mode. Because of the limit of the program(the apps running on iPad) the reversionary mode is not implemented(at least for now). There will be COM selection and nav audio selection available. For a sim, the audio panel is more like a decoration to make your cockpit complete. But as I said, the hardware itself is fully prepared. Only software(app) updates are needed to “unlock” more functionalities.

      1. Bryon Morgan

        That sounds great. Will you consider support for twin engine airplanes at some point? Would be very useful for our simulator to have multi engine capability, enough to buy two sets.

  3. Kent Hopkins

    Great training system. Have used it for several years. Great update with two iPads.

    Would you consider adapting your bezel to interface with the Cessna/Garmin training software? Runs on Win.

    Have used MS Surface tablets to train G1000 techniques to round-dial pilots. Obstacle has always been the knobology. Your panel fixes that. Glad to talk through this when you are ready to consider.

    LtCol Kent Hopkins

    PS: encourage you to bring the AUX pages too. Key part of search & rescue operations. Keep up the great work

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Hi Kent, thanks for your feedback. It’s really encouraging to me to know that you’ve used it for years. Before this project, my first plan was to make bezels for the Garmin’s PC trainer. I contacted Garmin to obtain an SDK to interact with the trainer, but they don’t provide that SDK to the public. So I made my own. Having heard of the SAR procedures, but it seems that it’s not accessible on regular planes. Is it only available for CAP?

  4. Kent Hopkins


    The SAR package is conventional on CAP a/c with G1000. Not my primary interest since we do advanced training relying on other features. Am instructor at CAP national training center. Would like to see the AUX pages and your bezel there in a few weeks. Can we talk? Reach me at


  5. paper writer

    The development of such project allows us to design the most optimal model. This audio panel really will please everyone.

  6. Edward delahousie

    Ordered bezels a couple of days ago, delivered today two days ahead of schedule. Can’t wait to put them together. Thanks for quick delivery. When do you expect audio panel will be ready

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Thanks for your purchase and feedback. The tooling process of the audio panel is about to finish. It should be ready in a month.

  7. Edward delahousie

    Great. Just got done installing both bezels and working out the bugs with the install onto my flight sim panel and I have too say what a product. The bezels take your flight sim experiance to another level. And the installation was so easy with the ipads. Thanks again

  8. Steve Rivituso

    What’s the target price range for the full set two bezels audio panel and mount frame?

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      The audio panel is not available for purchase currently. And estimation of a whole set(2 bezels & 1 audio panel) would be around 1600USD. The mount frame is not for sale because of its low cost and high shipping fee. There will be brackets(stands) included in each bezel and audio panel which would assemble together and hold the devices pretty well.

  9. Seth Cenac

    Hello! Is there any update on the audio panel? I am about to purchase the bezels and would love to get an audio panel to make a full set. Thank you!

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Thanks for asking. The audio panel is almost ready. Purchase info will be available next week.


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