G1000Bridge(X) updated to version 1.5
Now the FSX/P3D/X-Plane built-in autopilot will be operational when the G1000’s autopilot is not engaged. Previously it was kept disengaged all the time when connected to the G1000 app. Download it
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Now the FSX/P3D/X-Plane built-in autopilot will be operational when the G1000’s autopilot is not engaged. Previously it was kept disengaged all the time when connected to the G1000 app. Download it
The latest version of X-Plane, X-Plane 11 has been released. This is a significant upgrade which includes gorgeous graphics as well as lot of other improvements. Having been tested, the G1000 apps are fully compatible with X-Plane 11. Enjoy the apps with the new generation of flight simulation:)
There are constantly users asking me about when the bezel will come out. Well, according to the original plan, the bezel should be ready for sale by now. But it’s not. I’m sorry to keep you waiting for the bezel for such a long time, but currently we have some issues in the bezel production and we are working full throttle on it. I really appreciate you guy’s support and patient. Further updates about the bezel will be posted ASAP.
And, one more thing, the audio panel is currently under development.
These days there are customers trying to reach us through the contact form. I replied each request in time. But I didn’t realize that the mail server of our website is incapable to send out those replies(scripted emails, said the website support team) until today. So I resent all the replies through another email address. I’m sorry for the delayed reply. In case you have contacted us from our website and still waiting for reply, please send email to lichenpo@hotmail.com.
Thanks for your support and understanding.
Today we made a major update to our website to bring you better servicers. We will continuously improving the website to achieve better user experience. Please feel free to contact us if you have any thought or difficulties in browsing the website or making an online purchase. We will get back to you ASAP.
For years Simionic has been dedicated to develop iPad apps for simulating Garmin’s G1000 with a pretty high fidelity. Now it comes with a hardware bezel to make it much more realistic and convenient to use. Whether you are a simmer or a real world pilot, this simulator will help you a lot to stay current with G1000 operations or even with your flight skill. For years we keep listening to the users and improving our products. Please expect more brought from us to your flight deck.
Navigation database update to cycle 1601
Rivers and lakes on MFD
GPS approaches
Support for hardware bezel
Many other improvements and bug fixes
Version 2.2.0 for both PFD&MFD are available on App Store now. This is a major update. From time to time, users are complaining about the reliability of the connection between the PFD&MFD. That was something out of my control since I was using Apple’s GameKit to make the connection. In this update, the connection is changed to pure wifi connection via IP network. It makes the connection much more reliable and efficient. There are also supports for new aircrafts(C172S/C172R/C206H). Users can fly the most popular Cessna 172SP with full support in the apps now.
Auto-reconnect functionality is added to the newest G1000Bridge(X), so you won’t need to switch to the program/plugin to hit the button to get connected again once the connection between the G1000 app and FSX/Prepar3D/X-Plane is lost or you need to swith to other apps on iPad occasionally.
For a long time, there are users complaining about the connectivity in the app. They lost connections either with Prepar3D/FSX/X-Plane or with the other half of G1000(PFD/MFD). My recent research shows that all those are caused by the reliability of the wifi network. It’s not a matter of the quality of the wifi signal(of course bad signals always lead to low network reliability), but the load on the network, in other words, how busy the network is. Your may have a very good signal on the wifi connection, you may even downloading or watching HD movies online without any sluggishness, but you may experience continuous connection lost in the G1000 apps. That is because the network band width is occupied by other applications that the app cannot transimit or receive data frequently enought to keep the app act smoothly or even lose the connection. The key to keep the connection is not how fast the communication is(like watching online movies), but how continuous it is. So keep other applications from occupying the network band width is important to avoid loss of connection for the G1000 apps.
I will make modifications to the brdige and the app, adding some auto reconnecting function to compensate the lost of connection when under such wifi condition. Please sitck around for the updates. But remember, the key to ensure a smoothly experience is to reduce network load.