
About MSFS2024

It’s been more than a week since Microsoft released Flight Simulator 2024. There are users asking how our products are supported in MSFS2024. In short, except for the force feedback yoke, all other hardware products and G1000 apps work with FS2024.

Our force feedback yoke is a standard force feedback device. It’ll work with any software that supports force feedback. However, there is no native FFB support in MSFS2024. XPForce, the 3rd party software we use to add FFB support in MSFS2020 doesn’t not support MSFS2024(at least for now). So currently, our force feedback yoke doesn’t work with MSFS2024. We may consider to develop our own FFB software in the future.

Our other hardware products and G1000 apps use SimConnect library and MobiFlight WASM(which also uses SimConnect library) which doesn’t seem changed. All those works during our tests. It seems that some versions(the latest?) of MobiFlight WASM don’t work with MSFS2024. But at lease one works during our test. It may not the latest version, but it works. We have put that one on our download page, just in case you find your MobiFlight WASM doesn’t work in MSFS2024.

Should you have any questions or feedbacks, please feel free to contact us.

A quick look of what we are going to bring to FSExpo2024

It’s less than a month until FSExpo2024. Here are what will be with us in Las Vegas. This time we will bring a full VR setup including a new Cessna style control console on which there are TPM levers, switches, trim wheel, flaps lever, and landing gear lever, etc. On this setup there will also be a newly designed Cessna style rudder pedals which is also the first rudder pedals we have. Please take a look at the short video of what they look like.

FFB yoke maintenance

During the use the yoke, friction on the pitch axis may build up over time because of the misalignment of the sleeve and the rail caused by long travel and the weight of the steering wheel. This video explains how to adjust the parts so they will be aligned and thus, eliminate the friction.

The new G1000 NXi app is going beta

The new app for NXi is going beta. Please let me know your Apple ID if you want to beta test the app. New features of the app are as below:

  1. PFD & MFD in the same app
  2. Reversionary mode available
  3. Traffic map available
  4. The new HSI map on the PFD
  5. Active COM name on the PFD
  6. The new vertical situation display on the MFD
  7. Arrival airport runway extension line
  8. OBS line is now extended to 500NM on each side
  9. Fully utilizing the NXi UI

IMPORTANT safety notice for the force feedback yoke

Dear customers, we appreciate your support for our products and your choice of purchasing our newly released force feedback yoke. We are sorry to let you know that a defect is confirmed to possibly cause the pitch motor to be burned out at some circumstances. This defect resides in all the yokes which serial numbers are from SHYK010001 to SHYK010018 or received before Jul 12, 2023. For the affected users, we will be sending you a new circuit board with updated firmware which will avoid this burnout defect. Please refer to the video below to get an idea of how to change the board. We take full responsibility if anything is damaged during replacing the circuit board. Warranties of all the affected yokes will be extended.

Since it’ll take a while for us to prepare the new circuit boards, as a work around for the time being, please do the following to recover when encountering the issue: When the it happens, the pitch axis will lost it’s position output. This can be confirmed in the game controller properties in the system. The pitch output will stay at full in(forward) position no matter what position it is actually at. This usually happens when entering the game(X-Plane or MSFS), the yoke will be suddenly pushed all the way to full nose up position. No matter you pull or push the yoke there is no pitch response in the game. Please quit the game or do the following to get the yoke recovered from the issue:

  1. Turn off the yoke and turn it back on or disengage the motors by pushing the 2 trim switches to the opposite directions.
  2. Initialize the yoke by pushing the red button on the left handle of the steering wheel.

Again, we are sorry for this issue and will send out the new circuit boards to fix it as soon as possible. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.