New bezel is coming!

As some of you have already known, we decide to discontinue the old G1000 hardware bezel since it’s for 9.7″ iPads which Apple is not selling any of those for a while. Being the best selling product of ours, it’s now renewed as a new model which is fitting 10.2-11″ iPads. With a lot of work on redesigning this product we finally managed to make a bigger opening to for the screen and more space for bigger iPads to put in while keeping the outside dimension exactly the same as the old one. With a bigger screen it looks even more close to the real G1000. One thin I’d like to mention is that because we need to design the new bezel to be much more compact inside to accept bigger iPads we have to change the buttons on the circuit board with smaller ones. Thus the feeling of pressing the buttons will be a little lighter and shallower than the old one. We do care the details for our products and this is the best we can achieve. The new bezel is actually costing more than the old one because of the increased complexity of the manufacturing process. Yet we decide to keep the price unchanged for now. We appreciate your support as always. Stay safe and have fun!


  1. John

    Awesome – great to hear you kept the dimensions the same and awesome customer service on the price side of things. Stay Level my friend!

  2. Rich

    Great! Would this work alongside the old bezel? (i.e. if you had one of each). I already have the 9.7″ model

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      They will work together but the look will be a little different since the new model has a bigger opening for the screen.

  3. Jose

    Very excited for this. I bought two Ipads recently just for fs2020. When might we expect it to be available.

    1. Jose

      Is there an ETA on the new bezel?

      1. Koalar (Post author)

        The new bezel is already available to purchase in our online shop.

        1. Jose Allende

          Outstanding! I just ordered one. Looking forward to it. Thanks!

          1. Koalar (Post author)

            Shipping today. Thanks.

  4. Gary L Redfield

    Any plans to produce the G1000 nxi system?

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Yes, but no timeline for now.

  5. Sean Mulligan

    When you go to the NXI version will it also work with the 1st generation bezels?

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Should be ok with the gen.1 bezel since 9.7″ iPad still got pretty good performance.

  6. Fady Geagea

    Does it mean bezel for 9.7″ is discontinued ? Just got my second 9.7″ IPad šŸ™

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Yes, it’s discontinued.

    2. Jose Allende

      My new bezel came one day early! Four days from China to the U.S. (California). I just finished my first flight. Everything worked perfectly. Thank you for the quick responses on the forum and the very quick shipping. Very happy!

  7. Fady Geagea

    Will have to wait for used market then. Thanks

  8. Matthias

    Is it possible to keep the backside off? I would not want to buy extra iPads to permanently mount in there, but if they can be removed without too much hassle…

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Not so possible since you need the back sheet to push the iPad towards the front and the lightning cable needs to be taken care of. But I think you can design your own easy-to-disassemble back sheet if you want.

  9. Jean Mardaga

    Is it possible to fit 9.7′ iPads in the new 10.2′ bezel ?

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      You will need to make a frame or something to make the 9.7″ iPad the same size as the 10.2″. However, the screen is too small that the 12 soft keys on the bottom will not align with each button’s center.

  10. Yushen

    Austin said Simionic has lower resolution compared to the built-in G1000s in the simulators, due to IPad’s memory limit. Is that true? If so, now that the IPads supported by this new bezel all have bigger RAMs (at least 3G), any chance the map resolution can be improved?

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      If you are talking about the resolution of the topo data, yes, the topo data in the apps is about 1km resolution. That’s indeed is lower than what a G1000 use(not sure about the built-in G1000 in X-Plane).

      1. Franz

        yes please improve the resolution. if you fly in small deep canyons, the low resolution is annoying !
        torquesim aircrafts for example ( i have the pocket rocket) have a very nice modelled G1000, resolution much better.
        ipads in these days have high performance CPU und 3 Gig memory.

  11. George

    when will the new 10.2-11 units be availiable.

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      They will be in stock next month.

      1. George M Powers

        Thank you.

  12. Lee

    I have white iPads. Does bezel cover iPad enough so I won’t be able to see white iPads showing through bezel?

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      No. But maybe you can find some tape or sticker to cover the front frame first.

  13. Richard Aldridge

    Iā€™m looking for the original bezel if anyone has one to sell while upgrading.

    1. Nicolas

      Hi richard, do you mean you are looking for the ones for ipad 9.7” ?
      I do have a full combo to sell because I don’t use it anymore… If you are interested, contact me at fossar at


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