We’ve been quiet for a while during the past few months which are very anticipating months since people are waiting for the brand new FS2020 to be released, so do us. And we were not just waiting. We were very busy to bring out our new hardwares as well as the software. Finally we have this major update for the G1000 apps, the v6. In this version we added a configuration page for engine gauges which let users to set the engine type and parameters so the use of the apps can be expanded to a much wider range. All the piston, turboprop and jet engines are supported. Flaps and elevator trim indicators are also available to show up aside. Also in this update we added volume controls for X-Plane. NAV and COM volumes in X-Plane now can be controlled by the apps. We hope you enjoy the new version.
Ok, now let’s talk about FS2020. It’s the most exciting thing that the FS2020 has been released a few days ago. We’ve received a lot of emails asking for support for the use of our apps with FS2020. Well, we are still downloading our copy of FS2020 and will test and develop as soon as we have it. So far, according to users’ reports, the current bridge program for FSX also works with FS2020 although significant frame rate drop has been observed which we think should pretty much be an issue resides in FS2020 rather than the bridge. One thing worth mention is that users need to install SimConnect library manually as it’s needed by the bridge and is not installed with FS2020(like FSX steam edition). Anyway, we will soon be on the bridge for FS2020. We will test and see what is need to do with it and let you know as soon as we have an idea.
Very nice customization options!
Not sure how the X-Plane volume control option works. Does turning vol control (upper left on bezel) change volume output through speakers? ATIS, for example. Is there something that needs to be configured in the gateway? (What are com1 panel/standby do on gateway setup?
You are correct on the volume control. Nothing need to be done with on the bridge. The panel/standby are for integration with our hardware switch panel and standby gauges.
Got it! For X-Plane anyway, changing the volume via G1000 does not change the actual volume until the ATIS message restarts. That is, while listening to ATIS, turn the knob & no immediate volume change. But, when ATIS repeats it will be a new sound level. Thank you!
Exactly. Except for the ATIS the volume control works pretty well.
“the current bridge program for FSX also works with FS2020 although significant frame rate drop has been observed ”
Only the PFD seems to work in FS2020 with the FSX bridge; the MFD stays dark (I have the 2 bezels).
The frame rate drop is apparently due to a bug in the release version of FS2020 related to Simconnect, which was not there in the Alpha or Beta versions. Anything that uses Simconnect is basically a slide show now.
How did you get this to work exactly?
“Finally we have this major update for the G1000 apps, the v6. In this version we added a configuration page for engine gauges which let users to set the engine type and parameters so the use of the apps can be expanded to a much wider range.”
An enormous thank you for that. Well done!
Config page looks interesting. Where exactly is it located? Is there any documentation on how to use it?
I found it. I had Aircraft set to C206H. Did not know the screen scrolled up. $1.99 to activate this option.
Are you looking into providing a navigraph option , its free for developers to integrate
Perhaps another add-on you could charge for the APP I know I would be more than happy to pay for that support
Got it. Thank you.
me too
I just wanted to second the idea. I know X-Plane mobile will allow Navigraph to update the sim nav database (it’s very easy, just need a users navigraph login), so I can’t think of a reason not to include the same update ability into this app as well.
I would be happy to pay a small in app purchase for the update ability (in addition to paying for Navigraph service like I already do.)
Navigraph is also working on an update to the new FS2020 to use it’s Jeppesen data, to allow everything to stay in sync between multiple devices/databases.
I would as well
Very interesting idea, I’d love to be able to use my Navigraph subscription with the G1000 apps.
Can someone link a tutorial to get the Simionic G1000 to work with FS2020 please?
For now just use the bridge for FSX which you can download here on the download page. But FS2020 will stutter with it connected. It seems to be a problem resides in FS2020 and we are waiting for a fix.
How do you manually install the Simconnect Library of FS2020?
I have FSX installed on the same computer so I don’t need to install it again. Usually the installation file should be placed somewhere in the game’s folder. But you can always download it by googling.
Thanks for the reply. I don’t have FSX installed. I think the bridge application is looking for the simconnect.dll in the FSX directory.
I don’t want to do an FSX install just to get this (sort of) working. I think I’ll just wait for the bridge release that fully supports fs2020
SimConnect is a library registered in the system no matter in which directory. It seems FS2020 won’t have new libraries to do the data exchange and SimConnect is going to be the only way so you will need to have it installed anyway. Take this download link from FsPassenger. http://www.fspassengers.com/download/SimConnect.zip It’s pretty easy to install the library.
The customization is fantastic, thank you so much again. I do have a question: the illustration above shows Electrical gauges (Bus/volts and Batt/amps) at the bottom of several of the examples shown, but I cannot see any way to set this up in any of the Customization pages; what am I missing?
The layout of the gauges cannot be customized. For some types you can see the electrical gauges on the first page. Others will show up in System page since there’s no room for them on the first page.
What a wonderfull surprise! Many thanks!
Installing the SimConnect library works. Bridge initializes now. Thanks for you help.
I hope once fs2020 works well with your PFD and MFD that you will make a new youtube video to show in action 🙂
Great new customisation for several aircraft that I fly absolute satisfaction here p, but another customisation I’d
Ike to see is one where we can alter the FLC cap of just 165 KIA, be nice to set it at a higher level or anywhere in between for the larger commercial and private jets. Thanks Koala look for award to anything you may do to increase the performance of these great and awesome aps and our pleasure in using them.
Hi Koalar, purchased the customize EIS option, hoping it will be OK for helos but except for oil press and temp, others parameters don’t work even in piston, jet or turboprop menu. No big deal, dataref’s in x-plane for helos are sometimes complicated.
Perhaps in a future version of the bridge we could set the complete dataref for each value.
On the other hand, since purchase of the bezels, it was difficult to move the heading bug. Even in heading mode without nav, the bug wanted to remain near the value of the actual course, like it was competiting in real time with the heading of x-plane G1000. I tried to deselect the first check box of the bridge (receiving info from X-PLANE) and now it works like a charm (heading mode, OBS…). Don’t know if it’s normal to deselect this option but if it can help another simer.
Just many thanks for all Koalar, great work.
Thanks for your feedback. We will do some test on the heading bug. Looks like a bug in the bridge.
will there be an option to share those customisations somehow ?
I cant really figure them out but woyld like to do something for the TBM 930 in FS2020 (i know it has a g3000 not g1000 but should work nonetheless, hm ?)
Hi, there is no way to share the config parameters.
wouldn’t such an sharing function as an in-app purchase be a great way that not all users would have to do the same thing over and over again? and maybe also an in-app purchase of the presets for all msfs2020 aircraft?
Hi Guys, is the autopilot working properly for you? Much of my bezel button are simply dead.. any clue?
Any details about that? Which sim and which plane?
Hello Koalar, thank you for your reply and sorry for a late one from my end. In fact much of the radio panel buttons are down. but i think no need for them… can be customized with the bridge.
I’ve recently purchased both the pfd, mfd, and the synthetic vision in hopes that the support will bring the app up to working correctly with msfs2020. Currently, it appears as if the app and the sim collide. This causes at best, oscillation in AP and at worst complete loss of control as the two systems fight for supremacy. 🙂 Any chance of an update?
We are working on the autopilot for FS2020 since SimConnect issue has been fixed in the update they’ve just released.
Anybody have a good reference to customize configuration page for various aircrafts? I could not get sufficient information that perfectly match ‘Fuel Flow’, ‘Maxium Oil Presure’ and all.
Find them in the POH of the aircraft.
Auto Pilot disengage problem with MSFS2020 when connected to the bridge V 3.3.
I cannot disengage the autopilot with my button 2 of my warthog joystick which I have assigned to Autopilot off. It works correctly when I do not connect the bridge and use the flight sim G1000. but as soon as I connect the bridge to use the Simionic G1000 it won’t disconnect unless I press the AP button on the Simionic G1000!
Any help to resolve this would be appreciated.
This need the autopilot master switch to be synchronized via the bridge. However, considering the unstable autopilot in FS2020, the bridge ticks off the “AP master sync” checkbox automatically every time it connects to FS2020. You can tick that option manually. But that is not recommended because there will possible be some problem within the built-in autopilot in FS2020
I installed the bridge v3.4, the SimConnect Runtime Library, and I still can’t connect with the PFD app on my iPad !
This is what I get :
The PC and iPad are on the same network, of course.
please can you help ?
Please make sure the bridge can get through the firewall in your system.
I can’t get my bridge v3.4 to connect to the G1000 app, even with library installed :/
Can I have some help please ?
Please make sure the bridge can get through the firewall in your system.
Hi all,
exactly the same of Bruno, app enabled on win firewall -no result, than firewall completely disable – no result at all.
Can you help us ??
It should still a network connectivity problem if you are running everything on the latest version. Please check firewalls, routers, restart everything if needed.
HI Koalar,
all system on the same subnet (192.168.1.x/
firewall is disabled on windows 10
Ipad air is working
Ping from pc to ipad and vice versa id working
but the status is still “time out, reconnecting…”
all system as been rebooted more than once
is there any log to help me to debug ??
Note: I’m using only MFD (no pfd) if this can help you to understand
From what I understand you cannot use MFD only, because the bridge on the PC connects to the SIM and the PFD, and the PFD connects to the MFD. So you can use PFD only, but not MFD only.
Simonic correct me if I’m wrong.
Hi Oliver,
sorry but is not what is wrtitten in G1000 apps page on the website.
MFD can be used alone with some limitation but has to work!
Having used the Simionic PFD and MFD for a few months now, there is no way I can see for the MFD to work directly with the bridge despite what may or may not be said on a website. Only the PFD has the Sim connection settings. The MFD only has the settings to link to the PFD.
Happy to be corrected, but you have to have the PFD if you want to use the MFD .
Hello guys,
My Simionic G1000 PFD and MFD work fine with their bezels on FS2020 – One issue though with the customization. I have bought the customization option on both IPADs, for the PFD and the MFD.
I might be wrong, but I think the MFD takes the customized gauges from the PFD, so I customized them in the PFD only, but then when the MFD imported the data from the PFD it crashed. So I tried putting the customized gauges manually in the MFD, it still crashed. After that, when I tried to restart the MFD it launches directly with the customized setting and therefore crashes without giving me time to change back to the default panels… so I had to uninstall and reinstall the APP.
The customization I am trying to implement is for the TBM 930.
Does anyone of you encountered MFD crashes with the customized options? Thank you for your help.
and i have lost all my saved user waypoints, and flight plans,… maybe try to find a way to save these separately too??….
Hi Charbel, That means some parameters you set don’t support each other well so the program crashes during the calculation. Please check them numbers you entered. Meanwhile I will make the program stronger to it can detect the error and not easy to crash.
Thank you for that, please keep me updated!. Thanks
Hello Koalar, any update please?
Would love to have the TBM running properly.
Thank you for your help.
Is it possible to set up or import the checklists for a specific aircraft, for example the DA40NG?
No, there is no way to do that.
Thanks Koalas for the confirmation
don’t work… error at launch
Please find the solution on our FAQ page. Possibly it’s caused by missing SimConnect library.
I would love to add flaps and trim gauges to the standard C172 app. It is possible in customized panel but it is not possible to recreate the C172 gauges like the original in customized.
I’m sorry that is not possible. You will have to build a new customized profile from scratch.
Any planed AIRAC update on MFD ? Current cycle is 2105.
Last update on MFD (6.0.1) was on Sep 13, 2020 to cycle 2010.
Will be very soon. I’m finalizing the coming update of the apps which will allow AIRAC to be updated separately.
That’s great news! Thanks a lot for your incredible work!
Would it be possible to add the ability to insert a blue line and red line for Vyse and Vmc on custom multi engine aircraft? Additionally, the ability to add the landing gear lights to the bottom of the engine status bar would be great as well. Is any of this possible?