PFD&MFD v4.1.0 and bridge v2.0 released

A lot of improvements have been made in this update.  However, first thing first, to connect PFD v4.1.0 with FSX(X-Plane), G1000Bridge(X) v2.0 is required.  Details about this update:

  1. Connections between PFD and MFD, PFD and FSX(X-Plane) are now made automatically by default.
  2. Autopilot has been improved tremendously: Pitch control of the autopilot is much more stable even used on faster airplanes; Tracking localizer and VOR radial is much more accurate and smoother.  Autopilot master switch is now synchronized with FSX(X-Plane).  So if you have set the autopilot disengage button on your yoke, now it’s gonna work.
  3. Additionally, to adapt more aircrafts, airspeed tape is now customizable by setting V speeds, no more airspeed limit now.
  4. COM selection and audio selection on the audio panel(if installed) are now synchronized with FSX(X-Plane).  Audible morse code of the nav ID and marker beacon are added into PFD as an enhancement for running the apps in stand alone mode.
  5. When connected to FSX(X-Plane), PFD and audio panel(if installed) will turn off when the battery switch is turned off, MFD will turn off when the avionics switch is turned off.
  6. When dialing a waypoint, the default initial letter will be set according to the current region.
  7. Bug fixes: crashes on iPad4; COM synchronization failure with FSX(X-Plane).


  1. CntryClub007

    Great updates – keep up the excellent work!

  2. SS

    Can’t get the audio panel to switch with airfoil labs 172. Is that due to their plane or the plugin?

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      I don’t have this plugin. If the COM frequencies in the apps response to the audio panel then it is due to the plugin not applying regular parameters.

  3. Silvan Sauter

    Big surprize when i entered my Simulator last night after the iPads have updated the Apps. A great update. All the improvements make so much sense and it is really fun. Specially the Autopilot feature seems to work great 🙂 and all this together finally allows me to use the product with a different airplane.
    Keep going…….

  4. Per Welin

    For me, no right arrows work for the baro, range and Fms turning wheels. The same goes for left arrows for the turning wheels placed to the left in the bezel. Same error for both PFD and MFD.

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Thanks for your feedback. This is caused by the latest iOS 11. Apple changed the way that system gestures taking priority on the side of the screen. Touches on the side are delayed for about 1 second. You need to hold your touch longer than 1 second to make it work for the knobs. This is already fixed in the current development and will be released as an update in days. Meanwhile, you can slide on the knobs instead of tapping the “-” and “+”. This works pretty well for all the knobs except the range zoom in and out.

      1. Per Welin

        Thanks, that worked as a work around until you release the update.

        Another issue I noticed was that CRS for NAV2 is always reset to 360 degrees. If you try to turn the CRS, it will go back to 360. It works fine for NAV1.

        1. Koalar (Post author)

          I think you have tuned NAV2 to an ILS frequency. G1000 always auto-set CRS to the localizer course when an ILS frequency is entered. When the entered frequency is an ILS frequency but no signal of localizer is received the CRS will still be auto-set to a specific value anyway. That is what a real G1000 does and I think that is the situation you have.

          1. Per Welin

            Thanks for replying and god support!
            NAV2 was tuned to 112.3 SVA at ENCN. Practiced a missed approach rwy 03 in FS X. NAV1 was tuned to the ILS.

  5. Galgorang

    Where do I get the instruction for connecting PFD and MFD, and connecting them to x-plane 11?

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      The instructions are in the app, on the settings window. However, for the latest versions just make sure all devices are in the same network and open them all, they will connect automatically.

  6. Joel

    Hi, Thank you for your updates! Here are just a few issues for fixing in a future update. Normally, the PFD display should be turned on when the Standby Battery Switch is turned on (same way as XP11). But now, the PFD turns on only after turning on the MASTER switch. Secondly, when disabling the WAAS checkbox on MFD, the glideslope still works for LPV and LNAV/VNAV. The Glideslope and vertical navigation should not work when WAAS is turned off. Thirdly, please incorporate the BARO Minimums entry box inside the Select Approach box too, same as in the actual units. Currently, you can only enter it through the TMR/REF option on PFD.

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Hi Joel, thanks for your feedback. Data reference for standby battery switch in X-Plane is not obvious to find. But I’ll do more research to see if I can get it out. And, for the WAAS checkbox, I will fix it in the next update. For the minimums setting in the approach settings, I don’t see it on a Cessna NavIII system since that is the one I’m currently programming as a reference. Did you see it on a different plane? I’ll appreciate if you can send me a screenshot to

  7. Xerxes

    Thanks for the great update – really a huge improvement overall. If you could add flexibility to the RPM and Manifold bands (green/red zone) as well that would be great!

    1. jtutthamburg

      I second that and hope for implementation of twin Engines as well. Keep up the great work!

    2. jae

      Thank you for the great update. If I can add airplane profiles containing speeds, RPM and etc that I can choose from, it would be even more great.

  8. mfd529

    I ordered my bezel on Wednesday night (Thursday morning China time) and it was promptly shipped to the USA. Arriving actually one day later on Friday. Spending the weekend waiting for Customs and transferring to the final last step for delivery to me. I received my bezel today (Monday).I am totally impressed but the design and attention to detail. Li you are one clever and talented engineer. Thank you so much for a wonderful product. Eventually I will purchase the audio panel and one more bezel to finish the complete set. Best regards – Mike

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Thanks Mike. Can’t be more happier than hearing that.

  9. Daniel

    Hi, I am having a trouble with G1000 bridge to connect my ipad with FSX. Everytime I tried to install G1000 bridge, the message about side by side configuration didn’t allow me to install it. Please let me know if there is any solution for it.

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Hi Daniel, that is because a proper version of SimConnect library is not found in your system. This is the library originally comes with FSX which provides interfaces to programs. FSX Steam Edition and P3D usually don’t install that library automatically and you need to install it manually. Please refer to the FAQ page to get more details on how to do that.

  10. Kevin Berry

    Planning to buy dedicated iPad 9.7″ A10 for PFD & MFD. Will 32GB be sufficient? Thank you.

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Yes, that would be sufficient. The MFD needs about 2.5GB, the PFD needs even less. To make enough redundancy, having 3.5GB space left on an iPad will be enough. And with A10 processor you will get a pretty good performance.

  11. Jo Fabry

    One question to you: Do you plan to make the AIRAC data upgradeable (for example from Navigraph data)? We had a lot of changes in Germany during the last couple of months, including a new IFR approach for my home base EDAZ. It would be a pretty cool feature if the NAV database would show the current AIRAC cycle. I’m using X-Plane 11 and have the full setup (PFD&MFD bezels plus audio panel).



    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Hi Jo,

      Thanks for your feedback. That’s already been planning for a while. I’m still a little busy and need sometime. I will get that done.

      1. Jo Fabry

        Hi Koalar,
        thanks for the reply. That would be really great because with current NAV data the flightsim and the PFD/MFD simulation would be on the same page. Are you familiar with Navigraph? They offer woldwide NAV data (and Jeppesen charts) in various formats on a subscription bases for (relatively) small money 😉

        1. Koalar (Post author)

          Yes, I’ve contacted Navigraph for a while. Still waiting for their response.

          1. Jo Fabry

            I subscribed a couple of days ago through their website – and once you are registered you have access to the actual AIRAC cycle (current is 1812). They offer the worldwide NAV data in several file formats, including XML and plain text. Yearly subscription for the NAV data only costs about 26 Euros. The subscription for one month is 8,30 Euros:




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