V4.2.0 updates and more

This update includes a bug fix which was crashing the PFD when selecting waypoints in the direct-to or terminal procedures dialog.  Also within this update the first twin engine aircraft Beechcraft Baron is added as in-app-purchases.  Further improvements will be continuously added in.


  1. Jae

    What a great update it is. I relly like it. Adding more aircrafts would be great.

    1. Craig

      Yes, more aircrafts would be great. I’d like to see the tbm900 added!

  2. Guillaume AMELINE

    Hi Li,

    Thanks for your continuous efforts to improve the G1000.

    With the following setup:
    G1000 V4.2.0
    PFD on Ipad4
    MFD on Ipad pro
    2 bezels
    Ethernet connection between Ipads and PC
    audio bezel
    X-plane v11.11r2
    Windows 8.1

    I have encountered twice the following bug in 10 minutes, during a random flight (the only one I did actually) with no autopilot :
    I couldn’t distinguish what triggered the crash, but the MFD stopped working and closed. By simply launching again the MFD, I could keep flying without any other disruption.

    I would mainly like to know if and how I could send you crash reports, for further investigation. The crash didn’t seem to be triggered by any manipulations, neither on the bezels, nor on the Ipads. I have the feeling this bug will be very hard to hunt and I would be interested to know if this happened to any other user.

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Hi Guillaume, thanks for your feedback. This could be indeed very tricky to hunt. Crash logs will be helpful. You can send them directly to my email address lichenpo@hotmail.com so I can analysis them and see what was happening there.

  3. Guillaume AMELINE

    I followed the following steps, but I was unable to find any file written in 2018… Is it really how I should proceed to find the crash report?

    1. Guillaume AMELINE
    2. Koalar (Post author)

      Yes, I guess so. That sounds weird. Maybe you can try reproduce the crash and find the logs.

      1. Guillaume AMELINE

        OK, I think I understand why there is no crash log, it’s probably because the PFD does not crash, it just gets “reduced”.
        This just happened when I connected the sim to the G1000 set, all being interconnected and ready.

        Another thing, I noticed there is no speed vector anymore with PFD 4.2.2. Setting the map menu does not change anything.

        1. Koalar (Post author)

          I did a test and the speed vector works. Please pay attention to the current speed, vector time setting and map scale. All those factors affect the speed vector.

  4. Fco. Javier

    Very good work. Now, I have a question. Airac can be updated?

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Thank you. Navigation database was updated irregularly with app updates. Planning on doing regular updates.

  5. Marco

    Can the new Baron update be used with any other twin engine in x-plane? Or does it require the Baron flight model?
    This is an outstanding work of engineering – both hardware and software! Congratulations and thanks for making this available to the public!

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Using it with other twin engine planes is OK, but engine parameters won’t exactly match. So, better use it with Baron model.

  6. Anthony

    Also seeing a crash with 4.2.2 will send more details

  7. Jan-Hendrik Tutt

    Hi, what a lovely add in and great way forward!

    I have noticed an issue with the Enging Parameters in the MFD App:

    Following are working properly:
    Manifold Pressure, Prop RPM, Fuel flow (not entirely properly); Oil Pressure, Alternator Load

    Following are not displaying proper values:
    EGT, CHT, Oil Temp,

    Maybe some values are misread or processed in the App? I get the same for Stock Baron and Carenado Baron.

    Is this only on my system or can anybody support that? I use X-Plane 11 and normally fly the Carenado Baron58



    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Don’t know about Carenado since I don’t know where it utilize the default datarefs. But should definitely work with the default Baron58. Please not that unlike Cessna, Baron58 use celsius as temperature unit. If possible, please send screenshots to my email at: lichenpo@hotmail.com

      1. Jan-Hendrik Tutt

        Made a short test run on the ground. Agree with the EGT, but found that values in the other temperature datarefs seem to be celsius values. Mail sent with details.

        Cheers, Jan

  8. Paul Wasserman

    Great product… but the NAV data is very out-of-date which makes it kinda useless for those of us that want to use it for real-world training in IFR.

    Hard-coding the Navdata into the app seems like a pretty big problem long-term. I would imaging that the cost of licensing the Navdata from some place like Navigraph (the provider I use) for commercial distribution purposes would be cost prohibitive from your perspective.

    Why not allow user-upgradable nav data? Is that not a possibility? That alone would make your product *ridiculously* competitive as the alternatives are slim (I fly X-plane and the stock G1000 is not the greatest).

    Also… unrelated but with no forum that I can find dedicated to this product, I guess I’ll have to ask it here… are there datarefs available to allow flexibility with X-plane? I’d like to program a few of the buttons to my joystick but need the datarefs to do it.


    1. Koalar (Post author)

      Hi Paul,

      Thanks for your feedback. Sorry for being retard on the navdata. I’m now importing the cycle 1902 for the next update of the apps which will be released pretty soon. I’m also seeking a way to keep it up to date. Buttons on the bezel and audio panel do not communicate with X-Plane through the data refs. So I guess there’s no way to do what you are expecting. Sorry.

      1. paulwasserman

        Hey Koalar,

        Thanks for the reply. Also appreciate when a dev answers questions promptly.



  9. RIchard

    I haven’t checked yet but that implies there is no ability to disconnect the auto pilot via a yoke button. Is that correct?

    Just looked at the ability to disconnect auto pilot via a keyboard command or yoke button. Under Keyboard commands there is a command “Disco servo flt dir”. I assigned it to Alt+z. It did disable the Xplane G1000. Simionic G1000 also disconnected but mode indication maybe incorrect. Have not found an auto pilot disconnect command yet.

    1. Koalar (Post author)

      The autopilot in the app can be disengaged via a yoke button if you have setting a button for that in X-Plane or FSX and the option “synchronize autopilot master switch” is checked in the plugin. The mode indication will not disappear since it’s controlled by flight director, and the flight director won’t turn off with the autopilot’s disengagement. You need to turn it off by pressing the “FD” button. That is how it works on a real G1000.

  10. Richard


    Thank you for the reply. What you wrote tells me I do have the key command correctly assigned. Now I just need to try it on the yoke.

  11. Pete Tompkins

    For some reason this has quit working with X-Plane: it continuously disconnects and reconnects to X-Plane (never staying connected long enough to be usable). But everything works correctly with Microsoft Flight Simulator. Any ideas what might be wrong??

    1. Pete Tompkins

      By the way, I do not think this was related to the software update—I think the latest software worked correctly and then, one day, it quit. No idea what I might have changed.

      1. Koalar (Post author)

        Have you checked the firewall? It sounds like a firewall is blocking it. Typically you will see first the apps say connected but without any data feeding, then a timeout, and that process will repeat forever.

  12. Frank arne Hansen

    Why cant we Connect our NaviGraph Account to always have the latest Cycle in the Apps, this stops me from buying.


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